The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About Epictetus

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A new book from bestselling author Ryan Holiday. The sequel to The Boy Who Would Be King.

It’s one of the most incredible stories in all of history.

Two thousand years ago, in Ancient Greece, a little girl is born into the harshest life possible. Through the power of philosophy, she not only liberates herself from slavery but she frees the minds of millions of people in the centuries that follow...

And now, that parable has been illustrated and told for all ages in a new book: The Girl Who Would Be Free.

This 148-page book is written by bestselling author Ryan Holiday and illustrated by the illustrious Victor Juhasz. Each page tells the story of Epictetus's journey of slavery to freedom through Ryan’s words and Victor’s illustrations.

The book includes:

    • Over 100 exclusive illustrations from Victor Juhasz
    • An illustrated map showing key locations and activities of Epictetus, Musonious Rufus, and more
    • Over 148 pages of writing from Ryan Holiday
    • FREE Audiobook and E-Book

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Each order will automatically grant you access to the audiobook version of The Girl Who Would Be Free. The audiobook contains over an hour of original audio content including an interview between Ryan Holiday and Victor Juhasz, narration by Ryan Holiday, narration by his wife, Samantha Holiday, and more.


The audiobook and E-book will be sent the email used at checkout.

"I don't have many rules in life, but one I never break is: If Ryan Holiday writes a book, I read it as soon as I can get my hands on it." Brian Koppelman, screenwriter and director, Rounders, Ocean’s Thirteen and Billions

"Ryan Holiday is a national treasure and a master in the field of self-mastery." Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of The War of Art and The Artist's Journey

“Ryan Holiday is one of the brilliant writers and minds of our time." —Jon Gordon, author of The Energy Bus

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-Customer Support: Please direct all customer support inquiries to

-Signed books: Due to the amount of copies being pre-ordered, Ryan will not be personalizing the signed books. Your signed book will have a message from Ryan and his signature. Personalizations will open for orders on and after July 20, 2022.

-Audiobook & E-Book: We will send out the pre-order bonuses on July 8, 2022 to the email used at checkout. Orders on or after July 8 will automatically receive the digital format of the book to the email used at checkout with 3 days of purchase.